ball of foot insert features keeps heel in place, stabilizes shoe, keeps toes in place and never flattens

HIGH HEEL INSERTS NOW ON AMAZON.COM .......... this picture is the New Ball of Foot Insert cushion It shares the patented features with the high heel inserts. Both patented in 2015, 2017)

Features of the ball of foot insert that makes it unique. It keeps heel in place, stabilizes shoe, the PORON foam never flattens and a soft foam ridge under the middle three toes provides grip and keeps toes in place.  It was patented in Canada in 2015 and in Europe in 2017 and patents are pending in USA and Hong Kong

When you wear these inserts your heel stays inside your shoe. The insert stops forward movement of the foot, and sideways slippage of the foot. This keeps the heel of the foot snug inside the heel area of the shoe where it was designed to be by the shoe designer

Your walk is more comfortable when your foot is stabilized and your foot is not moving about. You are also less likely to walk out of your shoes or lose them on the street or at the beach.

The ball of foot cushion made from PORON never, ever crushes.  PORON will wear out from your foot rubbing on it for years before it will flatten or bottom out. These inserts are unlike any other foam inserts. They will not flatten or bottom out.   

A soft foam ridge forms the front edge of the ball of foot cushion. The purpose of the ridge is to keep the foot back so that it does not displace forward or to the side.  This adds great stability to your walk and to your shoes. Even in the most vigorous sports activities your foot is not pushed forward inside your shoes. Your foot and your shoe are as one, allowing you to play vigorous sports more easily and with less effort. You can concentrate on the game more and have more fun when you don't have concerns about your shoes. 

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