How to put in high heel inserts

How to put in high heel shoe inserts into heels - dance in heels like no one is watching to see if you kick off your shoes - because you won't have to!

Placing newly invented Killer Heels Comfort high heel shoe inserts into your heels is very easy. There are just three steps. Step one is to measure your foot for the widest part and mark these as dots on the insole of the shoe; step two is position the forefoot insert inside the shoe matching the dots on the insert with the dots inside the shoe; and step three is place the arch area insert on the insole two finger widths from the back of the heel of your shoe. Enjoy wearing your heels a lot more, and dance in heels like no one is watching to see if you kick off your shoes - because you won't have to! Makes heels super comfortable to wear for all women. Plus size women can look elegant in heels again without high heels pain, and women who used to wear heels but gave them up years ago for flats due to discomfort can go back into shoe stores that sell cute heels!  

Four photos show the contents of a Killer Heels Comfort kit and how to put the inserts into high heels.  The first photo top left shows the contents of a package of high heel inserts from Killer Heels Comfort. The packages contains four PORON foam inserts. There are two inserts contoured for the arch area of the foot to hold the heel in place inside the shoe and there are two forefoot area inserts contoured to provide comfort to the forefoot, one for the left and one for the right foot. The forefoot inserts have a toe grip at the front end to hold the foot from sliding forward in a high heel shoe. The forefoot inserts have a cushion that fits under the ball of the foot. The cushion is shaped to have the thickest part fit under the middle metatarsal to cushion the foot the most at the point of greatest pressure.  All the PORON pieces have permanent adhesive attached to the back of each piece covered with protective plastic. Twenty foam adhesive squares are included in each package. These can be used for temporarily adhering the PORON pieces to a shoe, or for positioning the inserts so they fit perfectly before they are attached permanently. The package also includes instructions for fitting the inserts into shoes, plus an original watercolour painting by the inventor of the inserts on a postcard. The postcard is my gift. 

The second photo, top right  shows how a foot in a shoe to demonstrate where dots are placed at the widest part of the foot. The dots are placed on the outside of the shoe when it is one the foot. When the shoe is taken off the dots placements are transferred to the insole inside the shoe. 

The third photo, bottom left,  shows how the forefoot insert is placed inside the shoe matching the dots that were made to indicate where the widest part of the foot is placed.  The second shoe in the same photo shows that the arch area insert notch is placed at a dot that is two finger widths from the back of the shoe.

 The fourth photo, bottom right, shows how the inserts look under the foot. The dotted lines show the inserts which are completely hidden by the foot.  The gold sandals next to the clear model shoe shows how the inserts look when positioned inside a shoe.

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